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Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... finance and ownership that any other of the above listed sport economics categories. Selected Article Reviews From the IJSF, Spanish economists Cordero, Corral, Gomez-Gonzalez, and Polo ask in the title: Does Foreign Investment Affect Sporting and Managerial Efficiency? The authors point out that foreign investment in European football clubs has increased in recent years, and that more than half of the clubs in England’s top two divisions (EPL and Championship League) are now managed by foreign ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
..., research observations and interviews with program participants played a secondary role in informing the research findings. The research’s findings indicated that the initiative struggled to define social cohesion, and this had ramifications upon managerial practices and strategy. Further, this had a flow-on effect to programs, contributing to deteriorations in social networks and issues with socio-cultural assumptions What Makes Sport Spectating Family-Friendly? A Phenomenological Study of ...
Geography of Sport Management Research in 2022
... of special groups (e.g., immigrants, women), and views of coaches/managers on community sport development. The second category concerns articles examining various aspects of the identified SFD programmes such as the achievement of programme outcomes, managerial issues, and funding. Sport media: The 16 articles in this domain mainly concerned with work life in sport media, sport media content production, and media presentation and framing of chosen issues. Sport industry: this domain includes ...
Sport Economics
... ticket demand to some extent to later games, the overall negative effect remains robust and large. Our findings highlight the relevance of controlling for the selection bias when analyzing the impact of live broadcasting on stadium attendance. From a managerial point of view, our findings suggest that increasing the number of games broadcasted live in German third division football might not be advisable, since additional broadcasting revenues may not exceed predicted losses in ticket revenues. George ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... the probability that sponsors are retained. B2B sponsors are more likely to be retained. In addition, they highlighted the superiority of the NFL and the NASCAR in their ability to retain sponsors. The authors concluded that these findings strengthen managerial as well as theoretical understanding of sponsor retention and could support both sponsors and sponsees in developing longer-term relationships. Conclusion Overall, the methodological approaches used in these papers highlight the eclectic methods ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... participation. Uhrich stopped conducting interviews when theoretical saturation was reached and an inductive approach was used to organise data into labelled categories. The derived findings suggest that perceived fan recognition, perceived transparency in managerial decisions, and perceived goal congruence between fans and managers positively influence fans’ participation perceptions. The consequences of these include acceptance of management decisions, reduced feelings of estrangement from the club ...
Sport Leadership
... disengagement to explain integrity breaches, and to conceptualise four functions of integrity management to facilitate morally engaged sport managers. Utilising social cognitive theory of moral thought and interdisciplinary perspectives (i.e., psychological, managerial, and ethical) of moral disengagement both in and out of sport, the results provide a rational for how sports managers use various strategies to switch off their moral compass when engaging in immoral behavior. Implications include the need ...
Theoretical Developments in Sport Management
... management has been the Routledge Handbook of Theory in Sport Management edited by Cunningham, Fink and Doherty (2015). The editors have grouped different theoretical perspectives employed by sport management researchers into four categories including managerial theories (with 13 theories), marketing theories (including eight theories), socio-cultural theories (including five theories) and economic theories (including three theories). The list of 29 theories covered by the Handbook is by no means exhaustive ...