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Sport Economics
... research, JGSM (Issue 1 &2): 16 papers with 1 covering sport economics related research. The forty papers fall into seven different categories: Labor markets (such as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 11, Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 7,...
Sport Economics
... sport economics related research, JSM (Issues 1,2 & 3): 20 papers, hereof 4 covering sport economics related research, SMR (Issue 1): 8 papers, hereof 0 covering sport economics related research. These 40 papers fall into seven different categories: Performance analysis (such as home advantage or reference point behaviour): 8, Economic effects (such as the effects of sport teams, facilities or events): 7, Labour market issues (such as labour market restrictions or salary determinants): 7, Sports ...
Sport Communication
... are displayed when games are not close, relative to games that are close. On a related topic of social media consumption, Lim, Donovan, Kaufman, and Ishida (2021) studied how critical athletes’ social media activity is for NFL athletes’ in-game performance. The authors found there is a negative relationship between the frequency of social media posting and athletes’ on-the-field performance. Players who post social media content with a higher level of humility are more likely to perform better....
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... 2024) This study sought to examine how Liverpool Football Club (LFC) fans perceive their team's success amid competition delays caused by COVID-19. It focused on two primary objectives. The first was to assess how fans judge success when their team's performance records remain unaffected, yet the competitive environment undergoes substantial changes, such as possible league cancellations and shifts in competition format. The second objective was to explore why winning a championship matters significantly ...
Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... papers with 2 covering sport economics related research. The forty-eight sports economics related papers are classified in seven categories: Labor markets (such as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 4 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... the research approaches commonly used. There is one study that adopts a mixed-methods approach for investigation. There are five empirical papers that use qualitative approaches, two adopt historical analyses for policy changes and development, one performs documents (policy, media and literature) analysis, and one study proposes a theoretical framework for examining governance convergence in sport. The level of theoretical engagement across the nine selected papers is high. A broad range of theories ...
Theoretical Developments in Sport Management*
... practice. In their examination of the relationship between stakeholder representation on governing boards, McLeod et al. (2021) examine supporter representation using social exchange theory (SET) to interogate how board-level interaction shapes the performance of supporter directors on the board. SET suggests social environments are relational and involve an exchange of rewards and resources and judgement of costs and benefits; of give and take; which may relate to board performance—in this case ...
Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... papers with 3 covering sport economics related research. The thirty-six sports economics related papers are classified in seven categories: Labor markets (such as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 3 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): ...
Sport Leadership
... significant times of change in elite British sport organizations. Based in Australia, Whales et al. (2022) investigated relational leadership in a professional sport organization as it pertained to leadership practice, development, and collective leadership performance. Breuer et al. (2022) conducted a German-based study, which aimed to determine factors that influence coaches’ intention for further training at both the individual and organizational levels. Misener et al. (2022) focused their review of ...
Analysis of Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... papers are classified in seven categories: Labor markets (such as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performanc and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 3 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 3 papers. Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 11 papers....
Sport Economics
... (V7 Issues 3 & 4): 16 papers with 3 covering sport economics related research. The thirty-nine papers fall into five different categories: Labor markets (such as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 5; Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 7; ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... (SEM) to determine the relationship between servant leadership and the employee well-being outcomes. Lastly, Read and Lock (2022) approached their study on the NFL’s statements towards the anthem protests through a discursive social psychology way to perform discourse analysis. This included a familiar qualitative coding approach to the data, done through iterative and inductive steps. The following section provides a discussion on the highlights of each reviewed paper with synthesis to each other ...
Sport Leadership
... (SEM) to determine the relationship between servant leadership and the employee well-being outcomes. Lastly, Read and Lock (2022) approached their study on the NFL’s statements towards the anthem protests through a discursive social psychology way to perform discourse analysis. This included a familiar qualitative coding approach to the data, done through iterative and inductive steps. The following section provides a discussion on the highlights of each reviewed paper with synthesis to each other ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
..., the development and testing of theories (Sarstedt et al., 2014). The data of the study defined five drivers that further explain future use intention. These drivers are: (1) habit, (2) perceived playfulness, (3) health consciousness, (4) perceived performance and (4) price value. The author concluded that these findings have implications for sports marketing theory and practice, as well as for policymakers, in that health consciousness is important for fitness app adoption, which in turn has repercussions ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... careers. In more detail, they have analysed the players’ narratives to categorise and explain their predicament by focussing on the following guiding questions: What was the context of the first known disclosure? Why was the disclosure made now? Who performs the disclosure? What platform was used to release the information and what form did the disclosure take? (e.g., personal/team social media posts, press statements, press conferences, media interviews, etc.) What was the impact and consequences ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... social entrepreneurship drivers in strategic CSR was generated to theoretically explain and practically explain how sport organizations can achieve shared value through aligning social and economic responsibilities. Institutional theory was used to perform a replication study of Marquis and Tilcsik (2016) investigation of how industry peers influence Fortune 500 companies philanthropic giving and apply it to the professional US sport industry. In contrast to Marquis and Tilcsik (2016) findings, ...
Sport Leadership
... distancing the coach in terms of job security and communication. The authors rightly note that risk and job security is not unique to this environment, however they do suggest that improvements can be made with regard to determining the true meaning of performance (i.e., subjectively and objectively) in the sport context. A limitation of the study design was only hearing one perspective of coach-administrator relationship, so it would be useful to gain insight on areas of conflict perceived by administrators ...
Sport Leadership
.... Kang and Svensson (2023) used an interpretative qualitative design with semi-structured interviews while also examining the content of documents related to their context; a US based sport-for-development (SFD) organization. O’Boyle et al. (2023) performed a qualitative case study with a focus on current and former board members of an Australian nonprofit sport organization. Next, Saxe et al. (2023) also used an interpretative qualitative design to explore occupational turnover among former US ...
Sport Leadership
.... A main premise of this research was that in a new era of constant rule changes (i.e., for player safety purposes), playing aggressively in a manner that participants are more accustomed to may induce more game penalties, but still increase overall performance (i.e., winning more games). The researchers indeed found support for this hypothesis, which in turn creates the potential for agents (head coaches) to be misaligned with principles (owners) due to conflicting goals. That is, head coaches may ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... were derived from thematic design thinking (Carlgren et al., 2016) and has been similarly employed in previous sport research (Joachim et al., 2020). In total, 47 codes were used that helped to derive conclusion in regard to the manner in which the performative aspects of design thinking practice might already be present within the Sixers’ practice. The insightful findings from this innovation case study design suggested that design thinking practices are already present within the Sixers’ practice ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... interactively influence consumer judgment and negative electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) through online experiments. The study revealed that when performance-related scandals emerged, consumers made more negative blame judgment of athletes with salient performance association, relative to pro-social association. Inversely, when performance-unrelated scandals occurred, athletes with salient pro-social association were more likely to be blamed. Regarding eWOM, consumers generate more negative eWOM when ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... result of the hosting of the 2008 and 2022 Olympic Games in China. Guided by Preuss’s (2015) event legacy identification framework, they analyse policy documents (sourcing from 115 policy and strategical documents published between 2001 and 2016 and performing an in-depth analysis of the 35 documents in the final review) and report that China’s two bidding experiences help to streamline the legacy planning processes for sporting mega-events. Policy improvements are evidenced in (1) designing legacy-focused,...
Sport Management Communications
... experience during the World Cup, masculinities is sport media; race, gender, and sport in advertisements in Japan, gender representation on the Instagram accounts of NCAA athletic departments, gendered body of Turkish bikini fitness athletes on Instagram, performance enhancing drugs (IPED) use and gender on a new women-only online IPED forum, recontextualizing barstool sports and misogyny in online sports media, and gender bias of organization communications. Race and sport media: race in Polish televised ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... Arsene Wenger’s words covering a three-year period were collected from leading online newspapers and analyzed in NVivo, using both a priori and emergent codes. As a result, three dimensions of the football manager persona were identified, i.e., the performance management of the players and team, person (expressions) and context in which the persona is constructed. In particularly, this study identified the importance of the person in the development of identity and highlighted the role of emotions ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... easier for them to engage in abusive behaviour without facing any consequences. Athletes, especially those in high-profile positions, are often the targets of online hate. They may receive abusive messages, threats, or derogatory comments about their performance, appearance, or personal lives. This not only may affect their mental well-being but can also have a negative impact on their performance and enjoyment of sport. Given the recent interest in online hate in sport, a scoping review of existing ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... can be simultaneously supportive and restrictive to D&I’s development. They found five discursive practices around D & I to be significant in perpetuating these dual and sometimes contradictory roles. These were speech acts, othering, meritocracy, performance, and the role of sport which, they conclude can often help to promote D & I while at the same time prevent it from being fully realised. 2. Ethical Governance It is well-known that British sports have seen a remarkable improvement in success,...
Geography of Sport Management Research in 2022
... rough coding showed that the most common topics examined were related to fans (18.3%), business/economics (18.3%), followed by attendance/viewership (11.1%), race/gender/ethnicity (10.3%), media presentation/communication/social media (9.6%), on-field performance (7.9%), referee/coach/manager/owner (7.2%), marketing (6.3%), athlete (5.6%), politics (3.2%) and others (2.4%). Sport events : this domain includes both sport mega-/major-events, mass participant sport events (MPSEs), and charity events....
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... cricket affords, athletes emphasise the intrinsic interpersonal benefits of product innovation. The findings are particularly significant to athlete branding work in that they illustrate how professional athlete self-presentation can be influenced by performative pressures emerging from consumer-driven product innovation. 3. Armstrong, C. G., Davies, M., Blaszka, M., & Pegoraro, A. (2023). The Kraken Awakens: Exploring the Digital Launch of a New Sport Team Brand During a Global Pandemic. International ...
Sport Management Communications
... department’s role in social media, racial justice, and the Black Lives Matter movement, race and the Representational Politics of Streetball, Americans support to black athletes who kneel during the national anthem, athlete activism effect on brand image, the performance of identity in prize fighting promotion, exploring discourses about race/ethnicity in a Spanish TV Football Program, and socially conscious marketing during sporting events. - Sport and mediatization (Communication & Sport had a special issue ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... life-event/sport participation chart. The authors stopped recruiting particpants as soon as saturation has been reached. The data analysis followed a thematic approach and the authors started the process by reading the trancripts multiple times. They performed an iterative, deductive-inductive analysis in order to identify the transition to adaptation process and the “role” sport particpation played over the particpants’ life. Different categories were deductively prescribed which served as ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... The authors, researchers from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and Sheffield Hallam University (UK), point out both implementation failure (such as lack of practical quality guidance) and theory failure (such as the focus on achieving short-term performance, rather than long-term development). This study provides valuable insights into the strategies and mechanisms used by national governing bodies to optimise youth sport provision in clubs.
Sport Governance and Policy
... heterogeneity in NSO governance. They provide a framework for researchers to analyse changes over time in non-profit sport organisations and enable a more holistic comparison of NSOs' governance structures. For practitioners, the archetypes offer benchmarks for performance optimisation. The study also suggests that national sport funding agencies should consider this governance diversity when providing resources and guidelines for improvement. Examining the power dynamics that influence sport governance, Stenling,...
Sport Governance and Policy
... an insider perspective. It discusses the challenges encountered in implementing a national sport policy within a complex governance context, emphasising the role of policy ambiguity, stakeholder conflicts, and the juxtaposition of participation and performance objectives. The authors utilise a multi-governance framework to explore these issues, offering insights into the practical difficulties of implementing broad, consensus-driven policies in federated systems. The study underscores the importance ...
Sport Communication
... self-representation of women’s sport fandom on Instagram, espnW (website) and presentation of female athletes, bias in sport journalism in women’s tennis, media framing of women ice hockey Olympic team, the meanings attached to women’s use of performance and image enhancing drugs, Olympic broadcasters framing of gender on Instagram, and male and female athletes’ representation on men’s magazine covers. - Mental health and sport media: Kevin Love in NBA, and DeMar DeRozan and Royce White ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... sport actors, professional behaviors, and organizational processes and procedures where moral values and norms serve as ideals and standards that influence sport governing body [sic] structures, systems, and decision making to enhance its integrity performance (Kihl, in press). Hence, sport integrity involves both corrupt and non-corrupt behaviors by sport actors as well as corrupt and unethical sport organizational governance, decision making and organizational practices. Eleven papers were included ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... consistent way of coding. Paper 2 was published in a Special Issue of European Sport Management Quarterly 21(3). The paper was authored by Daniel Weimar, Lisa Carola Holthoff and Rui Biscaia. It was entitled: ‘A bright spot for a small league: Social media performance in a football league without a COVID-19 lockdown’. The authors used daily follower statistics (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube) three months before. during, and three months after the lockdown. By employing social media follower statistics ...