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Sport Leadership
... (2022) conducted a study based on South Korean student athletes at the collegiate level involving leader-member exchange (LMX), turnover intention, and psychological factors. Feddersen and Phelan (2022) investigated when unethical and unprofessional behaviors may become more prevalent during significant times of change in elite British sport organizations. Based in Australia, Whales et al. (2022) investigated relational leadership in a professional sport organization as it pertained to leadership ...
Sport Economics
... as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 11, Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 7, Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 7, Mega Event Analysis (such impact of large sport events— i.e., Olympics, Super Bowl,...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... related topics are the most dominant focus areas of study. In addition, technology innovation, human brand and Covid are also prominently featured. Next, five articles will be reviewed in more detail. Themes Topics Authors No Sports marketing Consumer behavior and technology Uhrich* Jang, Kim, Chang & Kim Lee & Kim Cheng, Huang & Lai Kim, Yu & Lee Damberg 6 Consumer behavior under Covid-19 Stavros, Smith & Lopez-Gonzalez Su, Du, Biscaia & Inoue Behrens & Uhrich Boehmer & Harrison* 4 Consumer behavior ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... agenda behind sponsorship decisions, but also shed light on the possible effects of such a hidden agenda on achieving sponsoring company’s objectives. 2. Sport marketing Of the seven articles under the theme of sport marketing, five focus on consumer behaviors, and the other two examine city marketing through sports. Using self-construal as a key theoretical framework (Ellis & Wittenbaum,2000), Jang, Wu and Wen (2021) first identify two different types of meaningful sports consumption (MSC) from either ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... agenda behind sponsorship decisions, but also shed light on the possible effects of such a hidden agenda on achieving sponsoring company’s objectives. 2. Sport marketing Of the seven articles under the theme of sport marketing, five focus on consumer behaviors, and the other two examine city marketing through sports. Using self-construal as a key theoretical framework (Ellis & Wittenbaum,2000), Jang, Wu and Wen (2021) first identify two different types of meaningful sports consumption (MSC) from either ...
Sport Communication
... extensively covered in the media representation articles, the media have long been criticized for contributing to the stigmatization of athletes with disability, mental illness, and women in sport, which has contributed to people experiencing stereotypical behavior, prejudice, and discrimination in different social settings (Parrott et al., 2019). The articles emphasize the media’s crucial role (through their selection and framing of stories as well as frequency of coverage) in influencing peoples’ ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... use the terms ethics and morality interchangeably as do many in the field of sport management and in business ethics because epistemologically the terms have similar root meanings (Nash, 2002). “Sport integrity involves sport actors, professional behaviors, and organizational processes and procedures where moral values and norms serve as ideals and standards that influence sport governing body [sic] structures, systems, and decision making to enhance its integrity performance (Kihl, in press)....
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... responsibility (CSR), etc. Table 1. Selected Publication in Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Areas Topics Author(s) Quantity Sport marketing (31) Athlete branding Liu, Baker III & Leopkey (2003) 1 Brand communication Sears, Cianfrone & Kellison (2003) 1 Consumer behavior Aicher, Heere, Odio & Ferguson (2003) Kim, Lopez & Drayer (2003) Sveinson & Toffoletti (2003) Sveinson & Hoeber (2003) Glaveli, Papadimitriou, Karagiorgos & Alexandris (2003) Jones, Byon, Williams & Pedersen (2003) Wang & Chiu (2003) Kim, Park ...
Sport Management Communications
... of sport communication. In this regard, Stangor, Jhangiani, and Tarry (2022) group social psychology into three principles: social cognition (i.e., thinking and learning about others), social affect (feelings about ourselves and others), and social behavior (interacting with others). The six articles (considered for this digest) covered these three ‘principles’ in the context of media audiences/consumers domain (the three domains being: audience, content, and media). The six articles on these ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... in detail. Table 1. Selected Publication in Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Areas Topics Author(s) Quantity Sport marketing (34) League product development Fujak, Ewing, Newton & Altschwager 1 Digital marketing Stegmann, Nagel & Ströbel 1 Consumer behavior Yoshida, Sato, Pizzo & Kuramasu Papadimitriou, Apostolopoulou & Patrick Temerak & Winklhofer Hussain & Cunningham Chang, Lim, Kim & Oh Pedragosa, Biscaia, Naylor, Hedlund & Dickson AbouRokbah & Salam Ock & Hwang 8 Sports advertisement Lee, Potter ...
Sport Communication
... touch upon different facets of the sports communication domain. The themes identified from the articles cover areas such as social media and athlete representation, media framing and sports journalism, digital and social media education in sports, fan behavior and online communities, impact of technology and innovation in sports, and sociocultural aspects and identity in sports. These studies collectively underscore the intertwining of sports, media, and culture, highlighting the transformative role ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... from sports organizations and/or professional athletes; 2. Antecedents/precursors of entrepreneurship/ intrapreneurship in sports; 3. Attitudes toward entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship in sport; 4. Results/effects of entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial behavior in sport, and 5. Promotion of entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial behavior from the perspective of the sport. The authors categorised the entrepreneurship articles into the subthemes: precursors of entrepreneurship, intention/orientation of entrepreneurship,...
Sport Leadership
... (2023) applied the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) in a novel approach to understanding sport employees’ experience of occupational turnover, with a specific aim towards NCAA Division I swim coaches. While the TTM had been utilized in the health behavior and management disciplines for a variety of applications (Grant, 2010; Pennington, 2022), its primary use in sport has revolved around understanding fan attendance (Musgrave et al., 2021) and an athlete’s decision and process to retire from ...
Sport Communication
... on Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Division II College Football. International Journal of Sport Communication, 1(aop), 1-20. This researcher from Middle Tennessee State University studied referee judgments toward in-game communicative behaviors of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) student athletes, and whether communicative behaviors are excessively penalized. As the author indicated, previous literature has found that referees socially judge the communicative behaviors ...
Sport Communication
... challenges, and developments in the field, aiming to advance knowledge and encourage future research. The contributions cover a wide range of topics, including brand communities, dynamic content research, relationship marketing, brand management, consumer behavior, and the impact of social media on athlete welfare and legal issues. Each scholarly commentary presented fresh perspectives, innovative methodologies, and critical insights. This issue did not only highlight gaps in the literature but also offered ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... the level of governing body administrators at local and national levels. The authors conclude that, ‘there appeared to be attitudinal support (active and passive) for LGBT diversity … within the sport, especially towards normative commitment-type behaviors, such as challenging discriminatory language. However, this support often did not translate into activism’ (742). The study helps to overcome the binary divide between studies that report either more or less inclusion by offering a more granular,...
Sport Leadership
... decisions (without the appearance of feeling guilty or censuring themselves). To better understand integrity in the sporting environment the authors apply Bandura’s (1999, 2016) framework of moral disengagement that consists of the following categories: behavioral (e.g., economic justification), agency (e.g., displacement of responsibility), effects (e.g., denial of consequences), and victim (e.g., attribution of blame). The authors then overlay this framework of moral disengagement to better understand ...
Theoretical Developments in Sport Management*
... engagement as a concept that may help explain the link between employee motivation and outcomes in the sport for development (SFD) context. Engagement theory—the consideration of an employee’s psychological state in terms of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement dimensions provided the foundation to examine the relationship between employee engagement motivation, turnover intention, innovative work behaviour, and nonprofit performance for SFD workers in the United States. An electronic survey ...
Sport Management Communications between 2014 and 2022. The author stated that incivility can manifest in five different ways: as name-calling (i.e., disparaging remarks directed to a person or group), aspersion (i.e., disparaging remarks directed to an idea, plan, policy, or behavior), lying (i.e., commenting that an idea, plan, policy, or behavior was deceitful), vulgarity (i.e., the use of obscenity or profanity), and pejorative for speech (i.e., disparaging remarks about how an individual communicates). According to the ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... validation, highlighting how effective nostalgia can be in encouraging physical activity among different generational groups. 6. Kim, K. (2024). Conceptualization and Examination of the Push-Pull-Mooring Framework in Predicting Fitness Consumer Switching Behavior. Journal of Global Sport Management, 9(1), 39–61 . Kim (2024) utilised a mixed-methods sequential design grounded in the push-pull-mooring (PPM) framework to examine fitness consumer switching ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... impactful enough to garner further interest. These results not only offer a different way to view the top leader of an MLB team through the lens of their career background, but it also offers an extension of previous work in the TMT area of organizational behavior (Hambrick & Mason, 1984). From a practical standpoint, it reasons that Hayduk’s (2022) work illustrated how team owners tend to rely on what made them successful in their previous or other career ventures. As such, current or future team owners ...
Sport Leadership
... impactful enough to garner further interest. These results not only offer a different way to view the top leader of an MLB team through the lens of their career background, but it also offers an extension of previous work in the TMT area of organizational behavior (Hambrick & Mason, 1984). From a practical standpoint, it reasons that Hayduk’s (2022) work illustrated how team owners tend to rely on what made them successful in their previous or other career ventures. As such, current or future team owners ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
..., and personality. The top three sports that were broadcast featuring women were ice hockey, freestyle skiing, and snowboarding, which they noted differs from other studies. 3. Wicker, P., Orlowski, J., & Weimar, D. (2022). Referees’ Card-Awarding Behavior and Performance Evaluation in Professional Football: The Role of Teams’ Running Distance and Speed. International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(2). This study examined the effect of football teams’ distance covered and number of intensive ...
Theoretical Developments in Sport Management
... Multidimensional Model of Leadership Organizational Justice Theory Development Managing Diversity Work-Family Conflict Theory Sport and Sense of Community Theory Marketing Theories Sponsorship-Linked Marketing Team Identity Theory Sport Consumer Behavior Brand Equity in Sport: Conceptualization The Psychological Continuum Model: An Evolutionary Perspective Sport Fan Socialization: Becoming Loyal to a Team The Sports Product Framework Sociocultural Theories The Gendering of Leadership in Sport ...
Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 3 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 3 papers. Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 11 papers. Sport and Vice (financial analysis of sports gambling markets, effects ...
Analysis of Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performanc and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 3 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 3 papers. Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 11 papers. Sport and Vice (financial analysis of sports gambling markets, effects ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... policymaking in education: explorations in policy sociology. London: Routledge. Bartunek, J. M., & Moch, M. K. (1987). First-Order, Second-Order, and Third-Order Change and Organization Development Interventions: A Cognitive Approach. The journal of applied behavioral science, 23(4), 483-500. Bourdieu, P., (1984). Distinction. London: Routledge. Costa, A. C., & Anderson, N. (2011). Measuring trust in teams: Development and validation of a multifaceted measure of ...
Sport Economics Research: New Perspectives on the Demand for Sport
... league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 4 papers. Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 11 papers. Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 9 papers. Sport and Vice (financial analysis of sports gambling markets, effects ...
Sport Economics
... as league restrictions on player mobility; player and coach hiring, dismissal and contracts, performance and incentives; transfer markets; salary determinants; discrimination): 5; Performance Analysis (such as home advantage, tournament effects, and behavioral sport economics such as the effect of travel, home field, etc. on performance): 7; Demand for Sport (the determinants of stadium attendance, TV viewing): 14; Sport and Vice (financial analysis of sports gambling markets, effects of law and ...
Sport Leadership
... found support for this hypothesis, which in turn creates the potential for agents (head coaches) to be misaligned with principles (owners) due to conflicting goals. That is, head coaches may be more inclined to coach in way that promotes aggressive behavior which might be at odds with the new rules put in place by owners. The authors offered the term ‘alignment masks’ to describe a situation where changing rules provide an opportunity for shirking (a failure of the agent to maintain best efforts)....
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... Allmer, T. (2014). (Dis) Like Facebook? Dialectical and Critical Perspectives on Social Media. Javnost - The Public, 21(2), 39-55. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2014.11009144 Bail, C. A. (2017). Taming big data: Using app technology to study organizational behavior on social media. Sociological Methods & Research, 46(2), 189-217. DOI: 10.1177/0049124115587825 Baym, N. (2015). Personal Connections in the Digital Age (2 nd Ed.) Cambridge, UK: Polity. Boyd, D. (2010). Social Network Sites as Networked Publics: ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
... gendered space of an online doping forum. Communication & Sport, 9(6), 988-1007. Hruschka, D.J., Schwartz, D., St John, D.C., Picone-Decaro, E., Jenkins, R.A. and Carey, J.W. (2004), “Reliability in coding open-ended data: lessons learned from HIV behavioral research”, Field Methods, 16(3), 307-331. Jackson, S. J., & Scherer, J. (2013). Rugby World Cup 2011: Sport mega-events and the contested terrain of space, bodies and commodities. Sport & Society, 16(7), 883–898. Joachim, G., Schulenkorf,...