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Research Methodologies in Sport Management
1. Introduction All papers considered in this section of the SMD are from published issues of the pre-selected journals. Table 1 provides a summary of the methodological approaches used across each journal for this time period. Table 1: Summary of the Methodological Approaches Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport 1 16 3 20 Communication & Sport - Invited Article 1 2 3 European ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
1. Introduction This section provides a summary the 10 journals consistent with the first volume of sport management digest. The manuscripts were published were published between July and 2021 and January 2022. The Table 1 summarises the methodological approaches used in the ten journals. Table 1: Summary of Methodological Approaches Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport 2 9 (incl. one editorial essay) 12 23 European Sport Management Quarterly (excl. one ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
1. Introduction This section provides a summary of the ten sport journals consistent with the previous two volumes of Sport Management Digest. The papers were published between January and June 2022. Table 1 summarises the methodological approaches used in the respective journals: Table 1: Summary of Methodological Approaches Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport - 17 (incl. three editorial essays) 12 29 European Sport Management Quarterly ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
Research Methodologies in Sport Management James Skinner Introduction This review investigated the ten most popular sport journals in relation to their research study designs. The publications under review were published between March and September 2024. Table ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Palermo, Teesside University, The Ohio State University, Vassar College, West Virginia University) were included in the review. 2. Ethics and integrity studies Chakravarti & Boronczyk (2021) conducted an event study methodology on the Indian Premier League to measure how the Indian supreme court’s ruling announcement to ban two teams for engaging in corruption impacted the share price of sponsoring firms. The negative effects on firm value were greater for sponsors ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
Introduction This paper reviewed the ten most popular sport journals in regard to their research design. The publications under review were published between September 2023 and February 2024. Table 1 provides a summary of the methodological approaches used in the respective journals. Table 1: Summary of Methodological Approaches Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport - 25 (incl. two intros and one editorial) 4 29 European Sport Management Quarterly ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... governing bodies had only a limited impact on gender power relations within England Golf and the LTA. Gender relations in media representation of sport were examined by Johnson et al (2022) in a quantitative study, demonstrating the breadth of research methodologies in this area of policy. Utilizing media framing theory, the authors examined 1064 visual images posted on the Instagram accounts of North American Olympic Games rights holders, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the Canadian Broadcasting ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... the past six months. From this review, seven papers have been identified and highlighted due to their strong relevance and direct contributions to the field of policy and governance. Every paper is subjected to a subject evaluation, encompassing its methodological rigour, empirical findings, and broader societal implications, thereby furnishing a multi-dimensional understanding of the complexities inherent in sport governance and policy. These works delve into an eclectic range of topics, from the ...
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
Introduction This section presents a summary of the ten sport journals from the previous three volumes of Sport Management Digest. The papers were published between July 2022 and February 2023. Table 1 summarises the methodological approaches used in the respective journals: Table 1: Summary of Methodological Approaches Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport 4 30 (incl. four editorials) 9 43 European Sport Management Quarterly 2 8 (incl....
Research Methodologies in Sport Management
Introduction This paper reviewed the ten most popular sport journals concerning their research design. The publications under review were published between March and August 2023, and Table 1 summarises the methodological approaches used in the respective journals: Journals Mixed Qualitative Quantitative Total Communication & Sport 1 21 (incl. three editorials) 8 30 European Sport Management Quarterly 3 25 (incl. one editorial) 34 62 International Journal ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... sports match-fixing, which administrators and academics must consider in devising counter-corruption policies. Second, Lawson’s (2021) synthetic control method to analyze the impact of severe sanctions in the context of college athletics while was methodologically interesting nonetheless the study was atheoretical and thus was limited in its contribution. 4. Advances in racism in sport The one paper included in this review exposed the timely and dangerous issue of cyber racism of Black activist ...
Sport Communication
... including brand communities, dynamic content research, relationship marketing, brand management, consumer behavior, and the impact of social media on athlete welfare and legal issues. Each scholarly commentary presented fresh perspectives, innovative methodologies, and critical insights. This issue did not only highlight gaps in the literature but also offered constructive discourse within the sport communication community, challenging prevailing theories and proposing new research directions. In ...
Sport Economics
... extended by systematically analyzing public college football program concession and ticket revenues using data from the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System covering the 2012 to 2018 seasons. Using a differential timing difference-in-difference methodology, universities allowing general admission alcohol sales causes concession revenues to increase by approximately $350,000 or $1.15 per fan during this time period, but allowing general admission alcohol sales does not have a statistically insignificant ...
State of Sport Management Research in the second half of 2022 (July-December)
... not include a review of theories used in sport management research. Nonetheless, the next issue of the SMD will provide an overview of theoretical contributions for 2022. The role of bibliometric analysis, as a computer-assisted quantitative review methodology, is to identify core research or authors, as well as their relationship. It provides valuable relational information on the topic, which helps significantly enhance our understanding of the overall intellectual structure of the sport management ...
State of Sport Management Research in the first half of 2023 (January - July)
... a theoretical section, but due to technical reasons we were unable to include the review of sport communication research, which will be made available as soon as possible. The role of bibliometric analysis, as a computer-assisted quantitative review methodology, is to identify core research or authors, as well as their relationship. It provides valuable relational information on the topic, which helps significantly enhance our understanding of the overall intellectual structure of the sport management ...
State of Sport Management Research in the second half of 2023 (July - December): An Overview
... to technical reasons we were unable to include a review of sport management theoretical developments and ethics research, which will be made available as soon as possible. Bibliometric analysis is an established computer-assisted quantitative review methodology, which identifies core research or authors, as well as their relationship. It provides valuable relational information on the topic, which helps significantly enhance our understanding of the overall intellectual structure of the sport management ...
State of Sport Management Research in the first half of 2024: An overview
.... Bibliometric analysis is the main tool used in science mapping, which allows to reveal the social, intellectual and organisational structure of sprot management as a discipline. Bibliometrics is an established computer-assisted quantitative review methodology, which identifies core research or authors, as well as their relationship. It provides valuable relational information on the topic, which helps significantly enhance our understanding of the overall state of the sport management discipline....
Sport Governance and Policy
... these initiatives. They shed light on the challenges and limitations of these initiatives, such as the lack of a sound strategic basis and short-sighted focus. The authors reiterated the existing demand for the utilisation of a theory-based evaluation methodology. Conclusion By highlighting (1) the need for more effective policy implementation, (2) theory-based evaluation of policy impact, (3) offering lip-serving inclusive policies, and (4) more collaborative and evidence-based approaches to policymaking,...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... the selected articles investigate sponsorship from the perspective of marketing or branding targeting external audience, Bjerke and Elvekrok (2021) turn their attention to sponsorship effect on internal employees and their well-being. Applying a case methodology with data collected through both semi-structured interviews and a survey, they examine the influence a sport sponsorship-based health care programme targeted at employees may have on employee motivation to do physical activity. The findings ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... the selected articles investigate sponsorship from the perspective of marketing or branding targeting external audience, Bjerke and Elvekrok (2021) turn their attention to sponsorship effect on internal employees and their well-being. Applying a case methodology with data collected through both semi-structured interviews and a survey, they examine the influence a sport sponsorship-based health care programme targeted at employees may have on employee motivation to do physical activity. The findings ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... Review The study conducted by Duffell, Haycock, and Smith in 2023 examines the link between community sport and health policy in England, centring on the "Get Healthy Get Active" initiative spearheaded by Sport England. Utilising a qualitative methodology, the research includes interviews with policymakers, representatives from a professional football charity (Everton in the Community), and individuals participating in the GHGA-funded programme, Active Blues. This approach facilitates an in-depth ...
Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
... spurred more research efforts into sport marketing and sponsorship as the number of publications identified for this section almost doubled compared to previous issue. Collectively, these publications covered a broad range of topics featuring different methodological approaches. While some of the enduring topics, such as sponsorship effects and consumer behaviours continued to attract scholarly attention, Covid has been a strong focus reflecting the timely response by the academic community to this ...
Sport Communication
... realm of racial justice, the authors aim to investigate how individual identification with both the NBA and political parties can shape perceptions and reactions to the league’s racial justice initiatives. Guided by social identity theory, the study methodologically engaged a national convenience sample of 518 participants, sourced through Amazon Mechanical Turk. The results of the study provide nuanced insights, demonstrating that both fanship and political identity play significant roles in shaping ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... highly homophobic environment that is unwelcoming to those who identify as LGBTQ+. On the other side of the debate are a group of sport sociologists who have been finding much reduced levels of homophobia in sport settings. Different research questions, methodologies and interpretations of data may play a part in the divergence of the research findings. It should be observed that while some researchers find reduced homophobia, they also note the persistence of heterosexism where teammates and others ...
Sport Leadership
... leadership-based research context or theory, or investigates those in leadership positions, such as coaches. The current compilation of articles offers a mostly qualitative approach to studying leadership as three out of the four articles used a qualitative methodology. While the articles primarily used qualitative approaches, they did span three different countries: including the US, Netherlands, and Australia. Kang and Svensson (2023) used an interpretative qualitative design with semi-structured interviews ...
Sport Management Ethics and Integrity
... informal group to discuss the issue, using flipcharts and similar means to record findings. Combining insights from feminist research and a socio-ecological perspective, the article contributes to sport management scholarship by using an innovative methodology for collaborative knowledge sharing and creation to explore the challenges and opportunities for organisational action to address violence against women. Hardin, M., & Billings, A. C. (2022). ‘In the Wake of a ‘Racial Reckoning’: Resistance… ...
Sport Communication
... summarized in this issue. The nine studies under consideration did research in different contexts of sport such as professional sport (e.g., NFL, Rugby), college sport (Division II, Division III, Power 5), and high school sport. The studies used various methodological approaches, including: a quantitative study using a survey method, experimental method, quasi-experimental method, and secondary statistical data; and a qualitative study employing a semi-structured interview, and content analysis of online ...
Sport Governance and Policy
... like physical inactivity and mental health. Rich et al. (2024) examine the influence of regional policy on the structuration of organisational fields in the context of multi-level sport governance in Ontario, Canada. Using an instrumental case study methodology, they analyse 88 policy documents from 1995 to 2021 to explore how regional governments shape sport policy implementation. The findings reveal that regional policymakers play a crucial role in distributing resources and shaping accountability ...
Sport Management Communications
... author conducted a textual analysis of three media representations of streetball, namely the television show AND1 Mixtape Tour, the video game series NBA Street, and the film Uncle Drew. The article noted that textual analysis serves as an appropriate methodological approach to examine and understand how commercial media mobilizes language, visuals, symbols, and technology to produce meaning and shape popular perceptions of Blackness. The author demonstrated that streetball is depicted as illustrative ...
Sport Leadership
... example, common and foundational leadership theories such as transformational and transactional were not major parts of these studies despite their significant use in building the sport leadership foundation. Additionally, most of the studies also used methodological and analytical approaches that deviated from the traditional leadership studies. For a quantitative study, Breuer et al. (2022) used a multilevel approach to capture both individual and group levels. Even Chiu et al. (2022) who used a more ...